I take it by the deafening silence that this is not possible? :-)

On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 11:34 AM, Amit Nithian <anith...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am still using Solr 1.2 with the Lucene 2.2 that came with that version
> of Solr. I am interested in taking advantage of the trie filtering to
> alleviate some performance problems and was wondering how back-portable
> these patches are?
> I am also trying to understand how the Trie algorithm cuts down the number
> of term queries compared to a normal range query. I was at the recent Bay
> Area lucene/solr meetup where this was covered but missed some of the
> details.
> I know the ideal case is to upgrade to a newer Solr/Lucene but we are
> resource constrained and can't devote the time right now to test and upgrade
> our production systems to a newer Solr.
> Thanks!
> Amit

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