Yonik Seeley schrieb:
Are you using Solr 1.3?
You might want to try the latest 1.4 test build -
faceting has changed a lot.

I found two significant changes (but there may well be more):

[#SOLR-911] multi-select facets - ASF JIRA


it sounds like the following (which is in 1.4) might have a chance of
helping your faceting performance issue:

[#SOLR-475] multi-valued faceting via un-inverted field - ASF JIRA


from your initial comment for SOLR-475:

| * To save space and speed up faceting, any term that matches enough
| * documents will not be un-inverted... it will be skipped while
| * building the un-inverted field structore, and will use a set
| * intersection method during faceting.

Does this mean that frequently occurring terms (which we can use for
faceting in 1.3 without problems) are handled exactly as they were
before, by allocating a slot in the filter cache upon request, while
those zillions of pesky little fringe terms outside the mainstream,
for which allocating a slot in the filter cache would be overkill
(and possibly cause inefficient contention, eviction, and, hence,
a performance penalty) are now handled by the new structure mapping
documents to term numbers?

So doing faceting for a given set of documents would result in (a) doing
set intersection using those filter query results that have been set up
(for the terms occurring in many documents), and (b) collecting all the
pesky little terms from the new structure mapping documents to term

So basically, depending on expediency, you (a) know the facets and count
the documents which display them, or you (b) take the documents and see
what facets they have?

Michael Ludwig

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