
I've hit a bit of a problem with destemming and could use some advice.

Right now there is a word in the index called "Stylesight" and another word "Stylesightings", which was just added. When users search for "Stylesightings", the client really only wants them to get results that match "Stylesightings" and not "Stylesight", as they are two [relatively] unrelated things. However, I'm guessing because of the destemmer, "Stylesightings" becomes "Stylesight" internally... which results in the "wrong" behavior.

I really don't want to turn off the destemmer, that's like killing an ant with a nuke. I was thinking, perhaps, since we use both index- and query-time synonyms, I could make a synonym like this:

"Stylesightings" =>  "xlkje0r923jjfsdf"

or some other random string of un-destemmable junk, that might work, but I'm not sure and reindexing all the affected documents will take quite some time so it would be good to know in advance if this is even a good idea.

Of course, if there's another, better idea, I'd be very open to that too.

Thanks for any suggestions!


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