: Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2009 19:00:18 -0400
: From: Jonathan Vanasco
: Subject: no .war with ubuntu release ?

: after countless searching, it seems that there is no .war file in the distro

: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/all/solr-common/filelist
: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/all/solr-jetty/filelist
: as you can see, there is no .war

i'm not familiar with the ubuntu packaging, but by the looks of those file 
lists, they have unzipedthe solr.war into /usr/share/solr/ (note the 
WEB-INF directory).

the interesting thing about java "webapps" is that they can be distributed 
as a "war" file or as a directory ... most servlet containers actually 
unzip the war file into a directory on local disk anyway (so they don't 
have to keep the whole thing in memory) and it looks like the ubuntu 
packagers just decided to package the uncompressed webapp in the .deb 
instead of having a war in there that would get uncompressed on first 

that's just a theory however, and doens't explain why it isn't working for 

presumably somwhere in one of the jetty config files there should be a 
refrence to /user/share/ as the place to fine webapps, and a refrence to 
/etc/solr as the SolrHomeDir.


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