Ensdorf Ken schrieb:

For exmaple, a user might enter "Alabama Biotechnology" in the main
search box, triggering a dismax request which returns lots of
different types of results.  They may then want to refine their search
by selecting a specific industry from a drop-down box.  We handle this
by adding a filterquery (fq=) to the original query.  We have dozens
of additional fields like this - some with a finite set of discrete
values, some with arbitrary text values.  The combinations are
infinite, and I'm worried we will overwhelm the filterCache by
supporting all of these cases as filter queries.

Filter queries with arbitrary text values may swamp the cache in 1.3.

Otherwise, the combinations aren't infinite. Keep the filters seperate
in order to limit their number. Specify two simple filters instead of
one composite filter, "fq=x:bla" and "fq=y:blub" instead of "fq=x:bla
AND y:blub". See:

filterCache/@size, queryResultCache/@size, documentCache/@size

Michael Ludwig

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