
If Solr is your only webapp in that container, than this is probably a Solr 
issue. Note that "Solr issue" could also mean "issue with your ping query".  
Perhaps you can provide some more information about the size of your index, 
number of docs, your ping query, including the relevant piece of the config in 
the email, and such.

Sematext -- http://sematext.com/ -- Lucene - Solr - Nutch

----- Original Message ----
> From: Phillip Farber <pfar...@umich.edu>
> To: solr-user <solr-user@lucene.apache.org>
> Sent: Monday, June 29, 2009 4:20:26 PM
> Subject: Entire heap consumed to answer initial ping()
> Jconsole shows the entire 2.1g heap consumed on the first request (a simple 
> ping) to Solr after a Tomcat restart.
> After a Tomcat restart:
> 13140 tomcat    virtual=2255m resident=183m ... jsvc
> After the ping():
> 13140 tomcat    virtual=2255m resident=2.0g ... jsvc
> Jconsole says my "Tenured Gen" heap is at 100%.
> 08:06:02
> Lucene Implementation Version: 2.9-dev 719313 - 2008-11-20 23:51:24
> Java:
> JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx2048M -Xms2048M -XX:MaxPermSize=128M -Xshare:off"
> i.e. about 2.1g
> I have several solr test instances under this tomcat.  When one gets all the 
> heap after restart, I can't even open the admin interface to the others.
> Can someone advise me as to whether this is a Tomcat issue or a Solr issue?  
> And 
> an approach to fixing this?
> Thanks!
> Phil Farber

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