: org.apache.solr.search.LuceneQParserPlugin    overwriting    public
: QParser createParser(String qstr, SolrParams localParams,
:             SolrParams params, SolrQueryRequest req) {
: so that I can adjust params before I pass it with super.createParser()
: to original LuceneQParserPlugin
: 1. when jason request how can I set application/json   headers so
: response is returned appropriately wt=json doesn't seem todo this

that question seems completley unrelated to having a custom QParser, nad 
is currently being discussed in SOLR-1123

: 2. is there something special I need todo on createParser  or cleaning
: up req and params because from what I see if I set some params they are
: used in next request as well  as if using same req object. I couldn't
: really trace what is calling createParser to figure out if
: SolrQueryRequest object is always new.  Also I am setting my values on
: all 3  localParams, params, and req arguments...and this might not be
: quite right.

I"m not sure what the distinction is between localParams, params, and the 
params in the SolrQueryRequest -- but i don't think modifying any of them 
should affect any request besides the current one.  can you provide a 
concrete example (or unit test) demonstrating the problem you are seeing?
(and yes: the SolrQueryRequest is always a new object for each request)

: 3. I see that apart of setting String qstr to new value I can also mess
: with some solr reserved vars like  facet etc etc but can't really reset
: rows and start..this is already stored somewhere else and can't really
: be affect from what I see.

How are you trying to reset them?

those params have some legacy accessors in the SolrQueryRequest interface 
(getStart() and getLimit()) but the implementations still use the params 
you can modify with setParams().

start/rows don't affect the query parser at all, just query execution) so 
i wouldn't be suprised if trying to specify them in the localParams didn't 
do anything.


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