I'm having some trouble getting the correct results from the
spellcheck component.  I'd like to use it to suggest correct product
titles on our site, however some of our products have misspellings in
them outside of our control.  For example, there's 2 products with the
misspelled word "cusine" (and 25k with the correct spelling
"cuisine").  So if someone searches for the word "cusine" on our site,
I would like to show the 2 misspelled products, and a suggestion with
"Did you mean cuisine?".

However, I can't seem to ever get any spelling suggestions when I
search by the word "cusine", and correctlySpelled is always true.
Misspelled words that don't appear in the index work fine.

I noticed that setting onlyMorePopular to true will return suggestions
for the misspelled word, but I've found that it doesn't work great for
other words and produces suggestions too often for correctly spelled

I incorrectly had thought that by setting thresholdTokenFrequency
higher on my spelling dictionary that these misspellings would not
appear in my spelling index and thus I would get suggestions for them,
but as I see now, the spellcheck doesn't quite work like that.

Is there any way to somehow get spelling suggestions to work for these
misspellings in my index if they have a low frequency?

Thanks in advance,

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