That's what I'd like to do, but I don't understand how to get the value
to boost it.  It looks like I would need to use FunctionQueries, but it
also looks like that doesn't work on multivalued fields. Am I mistaken?
What kind of syntax would the query I'm trying to do require?

>>> 7/16/2009 11:37:47 AM >>>
Assuming that you know the unique ID  when constructing the query
(which it sounds like you do) why not try a boost query with a high
boost for 2 and a lower boost for 1 - then the default sort by score
should match your desired ordering, and this order can be further
tweaked with other bf or bq arguments.


On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 9:15 AM, Matt Schraeder<>
> The first number is a unique ID that points to a particular
> the second is a value. It basically tells us whether or not a
> already has that product or not.  The main use of it is to be able
> search our product listing for products the customer does not
> have.
> The alternative would be to put that in a second index, but that
> mean that I would be doing two searches for every single search I
> to complete, which I am not sure would be a very good option.
>>>> 7/16/2009 12:04:53 AM >>>
> The harsh reality of life is that you cannot sort on multivalued
> fields.
> If you can explain your domain problem (the significance of numbers
> "818",
> "2" etc), maybe people can come up with an alternate index design
> fits
> into your use cases.
> Cheers
> Avlesh
> On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 1:18 AM, Matt Schraeder
> wrote:
>> I am trying to come up with a way to sort (or score, and sort based
> on
>> the score) of a multivalued field.  I was looking at
> and
>> saw fieldvalue, but as that only works on single valued fields that
>> doesn't help me.
>> The field is as follows:
>>    <fieldType name="keyword" class="solr.TextField"
>> sortMissingLast="true" omitNorms="true">
>>      <analyzer>
>>        <!-- KeywordTokenizer does no actual tokenizing, so the
> entire
>>             input string is preserved as a single token
>>          -->
>>        <tokenizer class="solr.KeywordTokenizerFactory"/>
>>        <!-- The LowerCase TokenFilter does what you expect, which
> can
>> be
>>             when you want your sorting to be case insensitive
>>          -->
>>        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory" />
>>        <!-- The TrimFilter removes any leading or trailing
> whitespace
>> -->
>>        <filter class="solr.TrimFilterFactory" />
>>      </analyzer>
>>    </fieldType>
>>    <field name="myfield" type="keyword" index="true" stored="true"
>> multiValued="true" />
>> The actual data that gets put in this field is a string consisting
> a
>> number, a space, and a 1 or a 2.  For example:
>> "818 2"
>> "818 1"
>> "950 1"
>> "1022 2"
>> I want to be able to give my search results given a boost if a
>> particular document contains "818 2" and a smaller boost if the
> document
>> contains "818 1" but not "818 2".
>> The end result would be documents sorted as follows:
>> 1) Documents with "818 2"
>> 2) Documents with "818 1" but not "818 2"
>> 3) Documents that contain neither "818 2" nor "818 1"
>> Is this possible with solr? How would I go about doing this?

Peter M. Wolanin, Ph.D.
Momentum Specialist,  Acquia. Inc.

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