> Hey Ken,
> Thanks for your reply.
> When I wrote '5|6' I ment that this is a multiValued field with two
> values
> '5' and '6', rather than the literal string '5|6' (and any Tokenizer).
> Does
> your reply still holds? That is, are multiValued fields dependent on
> the
> notion of tokenization to such a degree so that I cant use str type
> with
> them meaningfully? if so, it seems weird to me that I should be able to
> define a str multiValued field to begin with..

I'm pretty sure you can use multiValued string fields in the way you are 
describing.  If you just do a query without the boost do documents with 
multiple values come back?  That would at least tell you whether the problem 
was matching on the term itself or something to do with your use of boosts.


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