> The problem is that the indexed form of this XML is flattened so the
> <car>
> entity has 2 garage names, 2 min values and 2 max values, but the
> grouping
> between the garage name and it's min and max values is lost.  The
> danger is
> that we end up doing a comparison of the min-of-the-mins and the
> max-of-the-maxes, which tells us that a car is available in the price
> range
> which may not be true if garage1 has all cars below our search range
> and
> garage2 has all cars above our search range, e.g. if our search range
> is
> 5000-6000 then we should get no match.

You could index each garage-car pairing as a separate document, embedding all 
the necessary information you need for searching.



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