I just tried this sample code... it worked fine for me on trunk.


On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 8:28 PM, Reuben Firmin<reub...@benetech.org> wrote:
> I'm using SolrJ. When I attempt to set up a query to retrieve the maximum id
> in the index, I'm getting an exception.
> My setup code is:
>     final SolrQuery params = new SolrQuery();
>     params.addSortField("id", ORDER.desc);
>     params.setRows(1);
>     params.setQuery(queryString);
> ....
>     final QueryResponse queryResponse = server.query(params);
> This latter line is blowing up with:
> Not Found
> request: 
> http://solr.xxx.myserver/select?sort=iddesc&rows=1&q=*:*&wt=javabin&version=2.2
> org.apache.solr.common.SolrException
> org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.CommonsHttpSolrServer#request(343)
>        org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.CommonsHttpSolrServer#request(183)
>        org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.QueryRequest#process(90)
>        org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServer#query(109)
> There are a couple things to note -
>   - there is a space between id and desc which looks suspicious, but
>   swapping changing wt to XML and leaving the URL otherwise the same causes
>   solr no grief when queried via a browser
>   - the index is in fact empty - this particular section of code is bulk
>   loading our documents, and using the max id query to figure out where to
>   start from. (I can and will try catching the exception and assuming 0, but
>   ideally I wouldn't get an exception just from doing the query)
> Am I doing this query in the wrong way?
> Thanks
> Reuben

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