
I am having a few problems with the snapinstaller/commit on the slave, I
have a pull_from_master script which is the following

cd /opt/solr/solr/bin -v
./snappuller -v -P 18983
./snapinstaller -v

I have been executing snapshooter manually on the master then running the
above script to test but I am getting the following

2009/08/13 17:18:16 notifing Solr to open a new Searcher
2009/08/13 17:18:16 failed to connect to Solr server
2009/08/13 17:18:17 snapshot installed but Solr server has not open a new

Commit logs

2009/08/13 17:18:16 started by user
2009/08/13 17:18:16 command: /opt/solr/solr/bin/commit
2009/08/13 17:18:16 commit request to Solr at
http://slave-server:8983/solr/update failed:
2009/08/13 17:18:16 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <lst
name="responseHeader"><int name="status">0</int><int
name="QTime">28</int></lst> </response>
2009/08/13 17:18:16 failed (elapsed time: 0 sec)

Snappinstaller logs

2009/08/13 17:18:16 started by user
2009/08/13 17:18:16 command: ./snapinstaller -v
2009/08/13 17:18:16 installing snapshot
2009/08/13 17:18:16 notifing Solr to open a new Searcher
2009/08/13 17:18:16 failed to connect to Solr server
2009/08/13 17:18:17 snapshot installed but Solr server has not open a new
2009/08/13 17:18:17 failed (elapsed time: 1 sec)

Is there a way of telling why it is failing?

Many Thanks,

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