I am no longer getting this error.  I downloaded the latest nightly
build this morning the document I wanted worked without any problems. 

Kevin Miller
Web Services

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Miller [mailto:kevin.mil...@oktax.state.ok.us] 
Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 3:35 PM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: HTTP ERROR: 500 No default field name specified

I have a different error once I direct the curl to look in the correct
folder for the file.  I am getting an HTTP ERROR: 500 No default field
name specified.

I am using a test word document in the exampledocs folder.  I am issuing
the curl command from the exampledocs folder.  Following is the command
I am using:

.content=attr_content&commit=true" -F "myfi...@badnews.doc"

curl is installed on my machine at c:\curl and the .exe file is located
at c:\curl\bin

Can someone please direct me to where I can look to find out how to the
a default field name?

Kevin Miller
Oklahoma Tax Commission
Web Services

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