
The search index is flat. There are no hierarchies in there. Now, I'm not sure what you're referring to with "this type of objects". But if you refer to having different types of documents in one index (and schema) that's certainly possible. You can define all the fields that you expect in all the different document types in one schema and have one special field (called "type") to distinguish between the document types (it will hold a unique value for each document type). The only drawback of this solutions is that you cannot (in most cases) define the fields as required. Another solution would be to deploy the different documents on different core, where each core has its own schema (and index). The drawback here however is that you will not be able to search across the different document types.


Pooja Verlani wrote:
Hi all,
Is there a possibility to have a hierarchical schema in solr, meaning can we
have objects under objects.
For example, for a doc like:

I need to make schema with 3 types of such objects and all of them having
different field values for each.

Please reply if there exists such a possibility.


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