Hi Elaine,

I think you need to provide us with some more information on what exactly you are trying to achieve. From your question I also assumed you wanted paging (getting the first 10 results, than the next 10 etc.) But reading it again, "slice my docs into pieces" I now think you might've meant that you only want to retrieve certain fields from each document. For that you can use the fl parameter (http://wiki.apache.org/solr/CommonQueryParameters#head-db2785986af2355759faaaca53dc8fd0b012d1ab). Hope this helps.



Elaine Li wrote:
I want to get the 10K results, not just the top 10.
The fields are regular language sentences, they are not large.

Is clustering the technique for what I am doing?

On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 10:16 AM, Grant Ingersoll<gsing...@apache.org> wrote:
Do you need 10K results at a time or are you just getting the top 10 or so
in a set of 10K?  Also, are you retrieving really large stored fields?  If
you add &debugQuery=true to your request, Solr will return timing
information for the various components.

On Sep 9, 2009, at 10:10 AM, Elaine Li wrote:


I have 20 million docs on solr. If my query would return more than
10,000 results, the response time will be very very long. How to
resolve such problem? Can I slice my docs into pieces and let the
query operate within one piece at a time so the response time and
response data will be more managable? Thanks.

Grant Ingersoll

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