the dataDir is a Solr1.4 feature

On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 1:57 AM, Paul Rosen <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm trying to set up solr 1.3 to use multicore but I'm getting some puzzling
> results. My solr.xml file is:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <solr persistent="true" sharedLib="../lib">
>  <cores adminPath="/admin/cores">
>  <core name="resources" instanceDir="resources"
> dataDir="solr/resources/data/" />
>  <core name="exhibits" instanceDir="exhibits" dataDir="solr/exhibits/data/"
> />
>  <core name="reindex_resources" instanceDir="reindex_resources"
> dataDir="solr/reindex_resources/data/" />
>  </cores>
> </solr>
> When I start up solr, everything looks normal until I get this line in the
> log:
> INFO: [resources] Opening new SolrCore at solr/resources/,
> dataDir=./solr/data/
> And a new folder is created ./solr/data/index with a blank index. And, of
> course, any queries go to that blank index and not to one of my cores.
> Actually, what I'd really like is to have my directory structure look like
> this (some items removed for brevity):
> ---------------------------------
> solr_1.3
>    lib
>    solr
>        solr.xml
>        bin
>        conf
>        data
>            resources
>                index
>            exhibits
>                index
>            reindex_resources
>                index
> start.jar
> ---------------------------------
> And have all the cores share everything except an index.
> How would I set that up?
> Are there differences between 1.3 and 1.4 in this respect?
> Thanks,
> Paul

Noble Paul | Principal Engineer| AOL |

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