: 1. dismax query handler and filter query (fq) : : if query= coffee , fq= yiw_bus_city: san jose, : : I get 0 results for this query again, but this one works fine, If mention : qt=standard query handler
with qt=standard this is matching whatever your defaultSearchField is configured to be ... if that field isn't in the "qf" for your dismax handler, that would explain why dismax doesn't find it. : 2. dismax and ranking : : q=san jose : : but my collection have more document for San Francisco, less for San Jose, : : a. i get san francisco listed or listed before san jose some time, i guess : this is because of the term frequency of "san francisco", it's hard to say without looking ath te score expalinations for documents that score high (even though you don't want them to) and the explanations for documents that score low (even though you wnat them high) ... more then likely you should be using more fields with bigger boosts in your "pf" so that documents are heavily rewarded when they match the full query string exactly. -Hoss