I appear to be getting only a small number of items imported into Solr
when doing a full-import against an oracle data-provider. The query I'm
running is something approximately similar to:

SELECT "ID", dbms_lob.substr("Text", 4000, 1) "Text", "Date",
"LastModified", "Type", "Created", "Available", "Parent", "Title" from
"TheTableName" where "Available" < CURRENT_DATE and "Available" >
add_months(current_date, -1)

This retrieves the last month's items from the database (The
dbms_lob.substr function is used to avoid Solr simply indexing the
object name as Text is the Oracle clob type). When running this in
oracle sql developer approximately 5600 rows are returned however
running a full import only imports approximately 550 items. 

There's no visible memory use and no exceptions suggesting any problems
with lack of memory. Is there any limiting of the number of items you
can import in a single request? Any other thoughts on this problem would
be much appreciated.


Other Information:

Running the command:

Produces the output:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <lst name="responseHeader">
    <int name="status">0</int>
    <int name="QTime">0</int>
  <lst name="initArgs">
    <lst name="defaults">
      <str name="config">data-config.xml</str>
  <str name="command">full-import</str>
  <str name="status">idle</str>
  <str name="importResponse"/>
  <lst name="statusMessages">
    <str name="Time Elapsed">0:5:43.58</str>
    <str name="Total Requests made to DataSource">559</str>
    <str name="Total Rows Fetched">4726</str>
    <str name="Total Documents Processed">557</str>
    <str name="Total Documents Skipped">0</str>
    <str name="Full Dump Started">2009-09-22 16:58:46</str>
  <str name="WARNING">This response format is experimental.  It is
likely to change in the future.</str>

Running the command:

Produces the following output (dots added where content is not

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <lst name="responseHeader">
    <int name="status">0</int>
    <int name="QTime">40906</int>
  <lst name="initArgs">
    <lst name="defaults">
      <str name="config">data-config.xml</str>
  <str name="command">full-import</str>
  <str name="mode">debug</str>
  <arr name="documents">
  <lst name="verbose-output">
    <lst name="entity:article">
      <lst name="document#1">
        <str name="query">SELECT "ID", dbms_lob.substr("Text", 4000, 1)
"Text", "Date", "LastModified", "Type", "Created", "Available",
"Parent", "Title" from "TheTableName" where "Available" &lt;
CURRENT_DATE and "Available" &gt; add_months(current_date, -1)</str>
        <str name="time-taken">0:0:7.766</str>
        <str>----------- row #1-------------</str>
        <date name="Available">2009-08-22T16:04:04Z</date>
        <str name="Parent">java.math.BigDecimal:0</str>
        <str name="Text">
        <date name="Created">2009-08-22T16:04:04Z</date>
        <date name="Date">2009-08-22T16:04:04Z</date>
        <str name="Type">java.math.BigDecimal:235</str>
        <str name="ID">java.math.BigDecimal:1320541</str>
        <date name="LastModified">2009-08-22T16:04:58Z</date>
        <str name="Title">...</str>
        <lst name="entity:codes">
          <str name="query">SELECT
"Level3"), ' '), "Level4") "Levels", TO_NCHAR("TheCategories"."Value")
"Value" FROM "TheCategories" WHERE "TheCategories".ID='1320541'</str>
          <str name="time-taken">0:0:5.485</str>
          <str>----------- row #1-------------</str>
          <str name="Levels">12 235 1848 </str>
          <null name="Value"/>
  <str name="status">idle</str>
  <str name="importResponse">Configuration Re-loaded sucessfully</str>
  <lst name="statusMessages">
    <str name="Total Requests made to DataSource">11</str>
    <str name="Total Rows Fetched">93</str>
    <str name="Total Documents Skipped">0</str>
    <str name="Full Dump Started">2009-09-22 16:47:28</str>
    <str name="Time taken ">0:0:39.47</str>
  <str name="WARNING">This response format is experimental.  It is
likely to change in the future.</str>

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