Hello Solr Users,
I've tried to find the answer to this question, and have tried changing my 
configuration several times, but to no avail. I think someone on this list will 
know the answer.

Here's my question:
I have some products that I want to allow people to search for with wild cards. 
For example, if my product is YBM354, I'd like for users to be able to search 
on "YBM*", "YBM3*", "YBM35*" and for any of these searches to return that 
product. I've found that I can search for "YBM*" and get the product, just not 
the other combinations.

I found this: 
 but adding preserveOriginal="1" doesn't seem to make a difference.

I found an example here:
 that is close, but I want to do the opposite. The example is:
"Super-Duper-XL500-42-AutoCoder!" -> 0:"Super", 1:"Duper", 2:"XL", 
2:"SuperDuperXL", 3:"500" 4:"42", .....

In this example, I want to be able to find this record by searching for "XL5*".

I appreciate the help. Please let me know if there are any questions.

Adrian Carr

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