Thanks Lance,

I have lucid's search as one of my open search tools in my browser. Generally pretty useful (especially the ability to filter) but it's not of much help when the tool points out that the best info is on the wiki and the link to the wiki reveals that it can't be reached. This is the second time in a couple of weeks I've seen the wiki down. Is there an ongoing problem? I do appreciate the tip though.


Lance Norskog wrote:
For future reference, the Solr & Lucene wikis and mailing lists are
indexed on

On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 11:40 AM, Tricia Williams
<> wrote:
If the wiki isn't working
gave me more information.  The LucidImagination article helps too.

Now that the wiki is up again it is more obvious that I need to add:

<str name="fmap.content">fulltext</str>
<str name="defaultField">text</str>

to my solrconfig.xml


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