> Hi,
> I am pushing data to solr from two different sources nutch
> and a cms. I have a data clash in that in nutch a copyField
> is required to push the url field to the id field as it is
> used asĀ  the primary lookup in the nutch solr
> intergration update. The other cms also uses the url field
> but also populates the id field with a different value. Now
> I can't really change either source definition so is there a
> way in solrconfig or schema to check if id is empty and only
> copy if true or is there a better way via the
> updateprocessor?

copyField declaration has three attributes: source, dest and maxChars.
Therefore it can be concluded that there is no way to do it in schema.xml

Luckily, Wiki [1] has a quick example that implements a conditional copyField.

[1] http://wiki.apache.org/solr/UpdateRequestProcessor

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