
I am pretty happy with DIH -- it seems to work very well for my situation.    

The one issue I see has to do with the fact that I need to keep polling 
<<url>>/dataimport to check if the data import completed successfully.   I need 
to know when/if the import is completed (successfully or otherwise) so that I 
can update appropriate structures in our app.  

What I would like is something like what Google Checkout API offers -- a 
callback URL.  That is, I should be able to pass along a URL to DIH.  Once it 
has completed the import, it can invoke the provided URL.  This provides a 
callback mechanism for those of us who don't have the liberty to change SOLR 
source code.  We can then do the needful upon receiving this callback.

If this functionality is already provided in some form/fashion, I'd love to 

All in all, great functionality that has significantly helped me out!


- Bill

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