Hi everybody,
I'm new here..and this is my last chance to find a solution for my problem.

I'm using acts_as_solr for Ruby On Rails.

I need to submit a query to a subset of documents which id belong to an
array of ids that I want to pass as parameter.

for istance, something like:

find_by_solr(query, id:[1,2,3,40,51,56])

or actually I'd just need a way in the option to filter a kind of sql IN
instead of RANGE.

I guess I need to override some methods..but first of all I want to know if
you consider this possibile, and if you have any hints about how to achieve

I'm working on Articles repository, indexing title and content only (but
documents id is sincronized with the document id in the MySql database).


(I hope this is not a duplicate..I've send it before to confirm subscription
:S )


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