Hi, Naga.

On 17-Oct-09, at 10:18 AM, Naga raja wrote:

I m in need of some basic help regarding solr?

1)In which format the posted data will store in SOLR?
   how the data are stored in solr?

Once solr has ingested the data, it is stored in binary files in a lucene index. You can see the files in the data/index directory of your solr instance, and you can open that lucene index with something like Luke: http://www.getopt.org/luke/ I find that looking at your index with Luke is a very helpful way of understanding exactly what is being stored.

2) what is the concept of replication in SOLR?

Sometimes you want two solr indexes that contain the same data. For example, one common situation is when you want to have one index on a machine where documents are processed and written to an index, (which can be slow) and a separate index that's only used for searching (which you want to be as fast as possible). You could do this by replicating index one to index two. Is that what you're asking about?

There are several ways of replicating solr indexes. Make sure you check out these pages on the wiki:


3) suppose in my schema.xml i had the format like <id>,<no>,<name> and
i had posted nearly 50 documents.
Now iu need to post a data of format <id>,<name>,<address> ,,
how can i do?
i need to index all the posted files again or is there is some other
option available?

One concept that people sometimes have trouble with when they start using an index like solr instead of a relational database is that your fields do not all have to be populated for every field. It's totally fine to have some documents that have id, no, name and others that have id, name, and address, but all four potential fields (id, no, name, and address) will have to be accounted for in your schema.xml.

Remember to read the wiki, which has pretty much everything you ever need to know about solr: http://wiki.apache.org/solr/
There is also a good solr book available now: 

I hope this helps!


Elizabeth (Bess) Sadler
Chief Architect for the Online Library Environment
Box 400129
Alderman Library
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA 22904

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