On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 6:35 PM, Matthew Rushton <mrusht...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>   I'm investigating several search indexing options and solr looks great but 
> I have a few questions I couldn't find answers to. To begin I don't think the 
> near real time features of Lucene are a requirement to start but I do think 
> it will be a requirement moving forward and I was curious as to the plans to 
> incorporate NRT functionality in Solr. Is it on the road map? Any clue when 
> they will get put in?

Yes NRT is definitely on the roadmap.
Solr already converted to using per-segment searching and field-cache
use (for sorting or function queries), so although it not "NRT", 1.4
is an improvement over 1.3 in some areas of NRT.

>   Further without the NRT features present what's the closest I can expect to 
> real time for the typical use case (obviously this will vary but the average 
> deploy). One hour? One Minute? It seems like there are a few hacks to get 
> somewhat close. Thanks so much.

Depends a lot on the nature of the requests and the size of the index,
but one minute is often doable.
On a large index that facets on many fields per request, one minute is
probably still out of reach.


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