I have a requirement to be able to find hits within words in a free-form
id field. The field can have any type of alphanumeric data - it's as
likely it will be something like "123456" as it is to be "SUN-123-ABC".
I thought of using NGrams to accomplish the task, but I'm having a
problem. I set up a field like this


    <fieldType name="text_trigram" class="solr.TextField"


                <tokenizer class="solr.NGramTokenizerFactory"
minGramSize="1" maxGramSize="3"/>

                <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>




After indexing a field like this, the analysis page indicates my queries
should work. If I give it a sample field value of "ABC-123456-SUN" and a
query value of "45" it shows hits in several places, which is what I


However, when I actually query the field with something like "45" I get
no hits back. Looking at the debugQuery output, it looks like it's
taking my analyzed query text and putting it into a phrase query. So,
for a query of "45" it turns into a phrase query of <field>:"4 5 45"
which then doesn't hit on anything in my index.


What am I missing to make this work?


- Charlie

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