Hi there!

We are trying to evaluate Apache Solr for our custom search implementation, 
includes the following requirements:

- ability to add/update/delete a lot of documents at once

- ability to iterate over all documents, returned in search, as Lucene does
  provide within a HitCollector instance. We would need to extract and
  aggregate various fields, stored in index, to group results and aggregate them
  in some way.

After reading the tutorial I've realized that adding and removal of documents
is performed through passing an XML file to controller in POST request.
However our XML files may be very, very large - so I hope there is some
another option to avoid interaction through HTTP protocol.

Also I did not find any way in the tutorial to access the search results with
all fields to be processed by our application.

I think I simply did not read the documentation well or missed some point, so
can somebody please point me to the articles, which may explain basics of how
to achieve my goals?

Thank you very much in advance!

Eugene N Dzhurinsky

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