> The guilt trick is not the best thing to try on public mailing lists. :)

Point taken, although not my intention.  I guess I have been spoiled by
quick replies and was getting to think it was a stupid question.

Plus, I'm literally gonna get trash talk from my Oracle DBE if I can't make
this work. ;-)

We've basically relegated Oracle to handling ingest from which we index Solr
and provide all search features.  I'd hate to have to succumb to using
Oracle to service this one special query.

> The first thing that popped to my mind is to use 2 fields, where the second
> one contains the desrever string of the first one.

Please elaborate. What do you mean by *desrever* string?

> The second idea is to use n-grams (if it's OK to tokenize), more
> specifically edge n-grams.

Well, that's the problem.  The field may have non-Latin characters that may
not have whitespace nor punctuation.

A. Steven Anderson

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