Are you requesting results by relevance or are you sorting by a field?

How many results are you requesting?

Are you using real user queries (with repetition) or a flat distrubution of queries?


On Nov 5, 2009, at 6:20 PM, ba ba wrote:


I'm running a solr instance with 100 million documents in it. The index is
18 GB.

The strange behavior I'm seeing is CPU utilization gets maxed out. I'm
running on an 8 core machine with 32 GB or ram. Every concurrent query I run on it uses up one of the cores. So, if I am running 1 concurrent query I'm using up the cpu of one of the cores. If I have 8 concurrent queries I'm
using up all of the cores.

Is this normal to have such a high CPU utilization. If not, what am I doing
wrong here. The only thing I have modified is the schema.xml file to
correspond to the documents I want to store. Everything else is just using
the default values for all the config files.


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