Hi Avlesh,

Avlesh Singh wrote:
>> 1. Is it considered as good practice to set up several DIH request
>> handlers, one for each possible parameter value?
> Nothing wrong with this. My assumption is that you want to do this to
> speed
> up indexing. Each DIH instance would block all others, once a Lucene
> commit
> for the former is performed.
Thanks for this clarification.

> 2. In case the range of parameter values is broad, it's not convenient to
>> define separate request handlers for each value. But this entails a
>> limitation (as far as I see): It is not possible to fire several request
>> to the same DIH handler (with different parameter values) at the same
>> time.
> Nope.
> I had done a similar exercise in my quest to write a
> ParallelDataImportHandler. This thread might be of interest to you -
> http://www.lucidimagination.com/search/document/a9b26ade46466ee/queries_regarding_a_paralleldataimporthandler.
> Though there is a ticket in JIRA, I haven't been able to contribute this
> back. If you think this is what you need, lemme know.
Actually, I've already read this thread. In my opinion, both support for
batch processing and multi-threading are important extensions of DIH's
current capabilities, though issue SOLR-1352 mainly targets the latter. Is
your PDIH implementation able to deal with batch processing right now?


> On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 6:35 AM, Sascha Szott <sz...@zib.de> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm using the DIH in a parameterized way by passing request parameters
>> that are used inside of my data-config. All imports end up in the same
>> index.
>> 1. Is it considered as good practice to set up several DIH request
>> handlers, one for each possible parameter value?
>> 2. In case the range of parameter values is broad, it's not convenient
>> to
>> define separate request handlers for each value. But this entails a
>> limitation (as far as I see): It is not possible to fire several request
>> to the same DIH handler (with different parameter values) at the same
>> time. However, in case several request handlers would be used (as in
>> 1.),
>> concurrent requests (to the different handlers) are possible. So, how to
>> overcome this limitation?
>> Best,
>> Sascha

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