
I'm using the SolrJ 1.4 client driver in a sharded Solr configuration and am
experiencing 2 problems:

1) *The method SolrQuery.setIncludeScore(true)*:
The current implementation of setIncludeScore(boolean) *adds *the value
"score" to the FL parameter.
This causes a problem when using the setFields followed by include score.
If I do this:


I would expect the outcome to be "fl=*,score"
Instead the outcome is: "fl=* &fl=score" which fails to use the score field
as FL is not a multi-valued field.

The current implementation in the SolrJ SolrQuery object is:
add("fl", "score")
instead it should be:
set("fl", get("fl") + ",score")

obviously not as simplistic as that, but you catch my drift...

2) *Propagating "*,score" value to shards*:
When doing an HTTP request to a Solr Server using the shards the behavior of
the response varies.

The following requests cause the entire document (all fields) to return in
the response:

> http://localhost:8180/solr/cpaCore/select/?q=*:*&fl=score
> http://localhost:8180/solr/cpaCore/select/?q=*:*&shards=shardLocation/solr/cpaCore

The following request causes only the fields "id" and "score" to return in
the response:


I don't know if this is by design but it does provide for some inconsistent
behavior, as shard requests behave differently than regular requests.
Currently we worked around these 2 issues, I'm just submitting them for your
opinions and views on whether JIRA issues should be opened.

With Thanks
  Asaf Ary

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