To deploy the Lucid KStem stemmer, copy these two files:
to the lib/ directory in your running solr instance.

In the <fieldType> declaration for a text field, you would change this line:
        <filter class="solr.EnglishPorterFilterFactory"
protected="protwords.txt" />
to this:

(Remember that you have to make this change in both the query and
analysis sections of the fieldType specification.)

Now, to verify the change, restart solr and go to the analysis.jsp test page:

Let's say you changed the 'text' type and left 'textTight' using
PorterStemmer. Change the Field name/type drop-down to 'type' and type
'text' in the top box. Now type 'changing' in the "Field Value" box
and click 'Analyze'. The bottom of the page will now show that
'changeing' was stemmed to 'change'. If you change the field type from
'text' to 'textTight' and try again, 'changing' will be stemmed to
'chang' by the original PorterStemmer.

On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 12:23 PM, Chris Hostetter
<> wrote:
> : distirbution. When we run test cases our schema.xml has defintion for lucid
> : kstem and it throws ClassNotFound Exception.
> : We declared the depency for the two jars lucid-kstem.jar and
> : lucid-solr-kstem.jar but still it throws an error.
> explain what you mean by "declared the depency" ?
> : 
> C:\DOCUME~1\username\LOCALS~1\Temp\solr-all\0.8194571792905493\solr\conf\schema.xml
> :
> : Now in order for the jar to be loaded should i copy the two jars to solr/lib
> : directory. is that the default location embedded solr looks into for some
> : default jars.
> assuming "C:\DOCUME~1\username\LOCALS~1\Temp\solr-all\0.8194571792905493\solr"
> is your sole home dir, then yes you can copy your jars into
> "C:\DOCUME~1\username\LOCALS~1\Temp\solr-all\0.8194571792905493\solr\lib"
> and that should work ... or starting in Solr 1.4 you can use the <lib>
> directorives to specify a jar anywhere on disk.  see the example
> solrconfig.xml for the syntax.
> -Hoss

Lance Norskog

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