On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 12:10:42PM -0800, Chris Hostetter said:
> ...hmm, you shouldn't have to reindex everything.  arey ou sure you 
> restarted solr after making the enablePositionIncrements="true" change to 
> the query analyzer?

Yup - definitely restarted
> what do the offsets look like when you go to analysis.jsp and past in that 
> sentence?

{words=stopwords.txt, ignoreCase=true, enablePositionIncrements=true}

term position:          1           4 
term text:              Here    Dragons
term type:              word    word
source start,end        0,4         14,21

> the other thing to consider: you can increase the slop value on that
> phrase query (to allow looser matching) using the "qs" param (query slop) 
> ... that could help in this situation (stop words getting striped out of 
> hte query) as well as other situations (ie: what if the user just types 
> "here be dragons" -- with or without stop words)

After fiddling with the position incremements stuff I upped the query 
slop to 2 which seems to now provide better results but I'm worried 
about that effecting relevancy elsewhere (which I presume is the reason 
why it's not the default value).

If that's the case - is it worth writing something for my app so that if 
it detects a phrase query with lots of stop words it ups the phrase 

Either way it seems to be working now  - thanks for all the help,


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