Hi, if you are using Solr 1.4 I think you might want to try type text_rev
(look in the example schema.xml)

unless i am mistaken:

this will enable leading wildcard support for that field.
this doesn't do any stemming, which I think might be making your wildcards
behave wierd.
it also enables reverse wildcard support, so some of your substring matches
will be faster.

On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 7:51 PM, Joel Nylund <jnyl...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi, I saw some older postings on this, but didnt see a resolution.
> I have a field called title, I would like to be able to find partial word
> matches within the title.
> For example:
> http://localhost:8983/solr/select?q=textTitle:%22*sulli*%22
> I would expect it to find:
> <str name="textTitle">the daily dish | by andrew sullivan</str>
> but it doesnt, it does find sully (which is fine with me also as a bonus),
> but doesnt seem to get any of the partial word stuff. Oddly enough before I
> lowercased the title, the wildcard matching seemed to work a bit better, it
> just didnt deal with the case sensitive query.
> At first I had mixed case titles and I read that the wildcard doesn't work
> with mixed case, so I created another field that is a lowered version of the
> title called "textTitle", it is of type text.
> Is it possible with solr to achieve what I am trying to do, if so how? If
> not, anything closer than what I have?
> thanks
> Joel

Robert Muir

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