I think you are looking for a "free text" query parser. Essentially, it would 
use the analyzer chain, but then turn the token stream into a query tree. Very 
useful if you are searching for a band named "+/-".


On Nov 25, 2009, at 12:00 PM, Chris Hostetter wrote:

> : I think the answer to my question is contained in the wiki when discussing
> : the SynonymFilter, "The Lucene QueryParser tokenizes on white space before
> : giving any text to the Analyzer".  This would indeed explain what I am
> : getting.  Next question - can I avoid that behavior?
> it's the nature of the lucene query parser -- whitespace is a "meta 
> character" that provides instructions to the parse, just like '+', '\', 
> '"', etc...
> you could always use a quoted string (so the parser treats all of your 
> input as one phrase) or try the "field" QParser (which is essentailly the 
> same thing as using a quoted phrase but doesn't require the quotes, or 
> respect any of the other escape characters)
> -Hoss

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