Hi Erik,

I've finally solved the problem. Unfortunately, the parameter v.contentType was not described in the Solr wiki (I've fixed that now). The point is, you must specify (in your solrconfig.xml)

       <str name="v.contentType">text/xml;charset=UTF-8</str>

in order to receive correctly UTF-8 encoded HTML. That's it!


Erik Hatcher schrieb:

Can you give me a test document that causes an issue? (maybe send me a Solr XML document in private e-mail). I'll see what I can do once I can see the issue first hand.


On Nov 18, 2009, at 2:48 PM, Sascha Szott wrote:


I've played around with Solr's VelocityResponseWriter (which is indeed a very useful feature for rapid prototyping). I've realized that Velocity uses ISO-8859-1 as default character encoding. I've changed this setting to UTF-8 in my velocity.properties file (inside the conf directory), i.e.,


and checked that the settings were successfully loaded.

Within the main Velocity template, browse.vm, the character encoding is set to UTF-8 as well, i.e.,

  <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>

After starting Solr (which is deployed in a Tomcat 6 server on a Ubuntu machine), I ran into some character encoding problems.

Due to the change of input.encoding to UTF-8, no problems occur when non-ASCII characters are presend in the query string, e.g. german umlauts. But unfortunately, something is wrong with the encoding of characters in the html page that is generated by VelocityResponseWriter. The non-ASCII characters aren't displayed properly (for example, FF prints a black diamond with a white question mark). If I manually set the encoding to ISO-8859-1, the non-ASCII characters are displayed correctly. Does anybody have a clue?

Thanks in advance,

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