          You have mentioned I can make use of UpdateProcessor API.
May I know when the flow of execution enters that
UpdateRequestProcessor class.? To be brief , it would be perfect for
my case if its after analysis but exactly before its being added to
the index.
Thanks alot.

On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 8:56 PM, Chris Hostetter
<hossman_luc...@fucit.org> wrote:
> : // "  one possibility to think about is that instead of modifying the 
> documents
> : before sending them to Solr, you could write an UpdateProcessor tha runs
> : direclty in Solr and gets access to those Documents after Solr has already
> : parsed that XML (or even if the documents come from someplace else, like
> : DIH, or a CSV file) and then make your changes. " //
> :        I have not decided to modify documents, instead I go for
> : modifying them at run time. (modifying Java object's variables that
> : contains information extracted from the document-file).
> : my question is : Is there any part of the api which take document file
> : path as input , returns java object and gives us a way to modify
> : inbetween before sending the same object for indexing (to the
> : IndexWriter - lucene api).
> Yes ... as i mentioned the UpdateProcessor API is where you have access to
> the Documents as Lucene objects inside of Solr before they are indexed.
> -Hoss

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