Hi there,
I'm about to start implementing some code which will access a Solr instance via 
a ThreadPool concurrently. I've been looking at the solrj API docs ( 
 )  and I just want to make sure what I have in mind makes sense. The Javadoc 
is a bit sparse, so I thought I'd ask a couple of questions here.

1)      I'm assuming that EmbeddedSolrServer can be accessed concurrently by 
several threads at once for add, delete and query operations (on the SolrServer 
parent interface). Is that right? I don't have to enforce single-threaded 

2)      What happens if multiple threads simultaneously call commit?

3)      What happens if multiple threads simultaneously call optimize?

4)      Both commit and optimise have optional parameters called "waitFlush" 
and "waitSearcher". These are undocumented in the Javadoc. What do they signify?

Thanks in advance for any help.



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