In the end, the PHP client does a file_get_contents for doing a search the same way you'd do it "manually". It's all PHP, so you can do anything it does yourself. It provides what any library of PHP classes should - convenience. I use the JSON response writer because it gets the most attention from the Solr community of all the non-XML writers, yet is still very quick to parse (you might want to do your own tests comparing the speed of unserializing a Solr phps response versus json_decode'ing the json version).

Happy Solr'ing,
- Donovan

On Dec 15, 2009, at 8:49 AM, Faire Mii wrote:

i am using php to access solr and i wonder one thing.

why should i use solr php client when i can use

$serializedResult = file_get_contents('http://localhost:8983/solr/ select?q=niklas&wt=phps');

to get the result in arrays and then print them out?

i dont really get the difference. is there any richer features with the php client?



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