
Thanks. much appreciated.
Question about: 
 "That is usually what people do. The hard part is when some documents are
shared across multiple users. "

What do you recommend when documents has to be shared across multiple users?
Can't I just multivalue a field with all the users who has access to the


Shalin Shekhar Mangar wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 7:26 AM, caman
> <>wrote:
>> Appreciate any guidance here please. Have a master-child table between
>> two
>> tables 'TA' and 'TB' where form is the master table. Any row in TA can
>> have
>> multiple row in TB.
>> e.g. row in TA
>> id---name
>> 1---tweets
>> TB:
>> id|ta_id|field0|field1|field2.....|field20|created_by
>> 1|1|value1|value2|value2.....|value20|User1
>> <snip/>
>> This works fine and index the data.But all the data for a row in TA gets
>> combined in one document(not desirable).
>> I am not clear on how to
>> 1) separate a particular row from the search results.
>> e.g. If I search for 'Android' and there are 5 rows for android in TB for
>> a
>> particular instance in TA, would like to show them separately to user and
>> if
>> the user click on any of the row,point them to an attached URL in the
>> application. Should a separate index be maintained for each row in TB?TB
>> can
>> have millions of rows.
> The easy answer is that whatever you want to show as results should be the
> thing that you index as documents. So if you want to show tweets as
> results,
> one document should represent one tweet.
> Solr is different from relational databases and you should not think about
> both the same way. De-normalization is the way to go in Solr.
>> 2) How to protect one user's data from another user. I guess I can keep a
>> column for a user_id in the schema and append that filter automatically
>> when
>> I search through SOLR. Any better alternatives?
> That is usually what people do. The hard part is when some documents are
> shared across multiple users.
>> Bear with me if these are newbie questions please, this is my first day
>> with
>> SOLR.
> No problem. Welcome to Solr!
> -- 
> Regards,
> Shalin Shekhar Mangar.

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