
I have a question on how solr determines whether the q value needs to be 
analyzed as a regular query or as a phrase query.

Let's say, I have a text    'jibojohn info disk/1.0'

If I query for 'jibojohn info', I get the results. The query is parsed as:

 <str name="rawquerystring">jibojohn info</str>
 <str name="querystring">jibojohn info</str>
 <str name="parsedquery">+data:jibojohn +data:info</str>
 <str name="parsedquery_toString">+data:jibojohn +data:info</str>

However, if I query for 'disk/1.0', I get nothing. The query is parsed as:

<str name="rawquerystring">disk/1.0</str>
 <str name="querystring">disk/1.0</str>
 <str name="parsedquery">PhraseQuery(data:"disk 1 0")</str>
 <str name="parsedquery_toString">data:"disk 1 0"</str>

I was expecting this to be treated as a regular query, instead of a phrase 
query.  I was wondering why.

Appreciate your input.


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