I usually use YourKit or JProfiler, but there are free ones too, like VisualVM.

Check out: 

On Dec 22, 2009, at 9:38 PM, Maduranga Kannangara wrote:

> Hi All,
> Recently we noticed that some of our heavy load Solr instances are facing 
> memory leak kind situations.
> It goes onto Full GC and as it was unable to release any memory, the broken 
> pripe and socket errors happen.
> (This happens both in Solr 1.3 and 1.4 for us.)
> Is there a good tool (preferably open source) that we could use to profile on 
> the Solr deployed Tomcat and to figure out what is happening with the 
> situation? If it was a connection keep alive or some wrong queries/bad schema 
> configuration etc?
> Sorry about the laymen language..
> Thanks in advance for all the responses!
> Madu

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