if you wish to search on fields using wild-card you have to use a
copyField to copy all the values of "Bool_*" to another field and
search on that field.

On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 4:14 AM, Harsch, Timothy J. (ARC-TI)[PEROT
SYSTEMS] <timothy.j.har...@nasa.gov> wrote:
> I use dynamic fields heavily in my SOLR config.  I would like to be able to 
> specify which fields should be returned from a query based on a pattern for 
> the field name.  For instance, given:
>            <dynamicField name="Bool_*" type="boolean"
>                  indexed="true" stored="true" />
> I might be able to construct a query like:
> http://localhost:8080/solr/select?q=Bool_*:true&rows=10
> Is there something like this in SOLR?
> Thanks,
> Tim Harsch

Noble Paul | Systems Architect| AOL | http://aol.com

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