: I have done follow it, but if I query with diacritic it respose only
: non-diacritic. But I want to query without diacritic anh then solr will be
: response both of diacritic and without diacritic :( 

What is "it" that you have done? ... can you show us your config?

The diatric folding issue is essentially the same as lowercasing ... you 
have a "strict" fieldtype where you don't lowercase/fold at index or query 
time, and then you have a "flattened" field where you lowercase/fold at 
indextime but not at query time ... then you query both using dismax 
(possibly with tie=0.0)

if the user searches w/diatrics, they will only get a match against the 
strict field for documents that also had those exact diatrics (they won't 
get any match on the flattened field).  if they query w/o diatrics they 
will get a match on the strict field for nay doc that didn't have 
diatrics, and they will also get matches on the flattened field for docs 
that did have diatrics (but still match because they were flattened)


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