> Using SolrQuery.setQuery("{!lucene q.op=AND
> df=text}myfield:foo +bar -baz}"); would make more sense if
> it were not for the other methods available on SolrQuery. 
> For example, there is a "setFields(String..)" method. So
> what happens if I call setFields("title", "description")
> after having set the query to the above value? What do I end
> up with? Something like this:
> {!lucene q.op=AND df=text}title:(foo +bar -baz)
> description:(foo +bar baz)}

No. setFields is equvalent to  &fl=title,description  It determines which 
fields will be returned as a result.

> I'm still having trouble understanding how the class is
> intended to be used. 

SolrQuery extends ModifiableSolrParams. If you look at the source code of it 
you can understand. For example setQuery method invokes 
this.set(CommonParams.Q, query);

You can set anything in the search url with this class. &key=value is equal to 
SolrQuery.set(key, value). There are some multivalued keys like fq and 
facet.field, in those cases you can use add() method.


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