: application. I am planning to add a search query log that will capture all
: the search queries (and more information like IP,user info,date time,etc).
: I understand I can easily do this on the application side capturing all the
: search request, logging them in a DB/File before sending them to solr for
: execution.
:          But I wanted to check with the forum if there was any better
: approach OR best practices OR anything that has been added to Solr for such
: requirement.

doing this in your applicatyion is probably the best bet ... you could put 
all of the extra info in query args to solr, which would be ignored but 
included in Solr's own logs, except that would mcuk up any HTTP Caching 
you might do (and putting an Accelerator Cache in front of Solr is a 
really easy way to reduce load in a lot of common situations)


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