I have a document that has a multi-valued field where each value in
the field itself is comprised of two values itself.  Think of an invoice doc
with multi value line items - each line item having quantity and product name.

One option I see is to have a line item multi value field and when producing
the document to pass to Solr, concat the quantity and desc and put it in the 
value field.

My preference would be the ability to define such complex multi valued fields
out of the box.  Is that supported in a Solr 1.4 environment?  Basically a field
type that allows you to define the other fields that make up a field.

This could look like something like this in schema.xml if supported:

<field type="complex" name="lineitem">
  <field type="integer" name="quantity"/>
  <field type="text" name="description"/>

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