I've done a fair number of migrations, but it's kind of hard to give generic 
advice on it.  Specific questions as you dig in would be best.   I'd probably, 
at least, just start with a simple schema that models most of your data and get 
Solr up and ingesting it.  Then run some queries against it in your browser (no 
need for writing client side code yet) then go from there.


On Jan 12, 2010, at 11:42 PM, Abin Mathew wrote:

> Hi
> I am new to the solr technology. We have been using lucene for handling
> searching in our web application www.toostep.com which is a knowledge
> sharing platform developed in java using Spring MVC architecture and iBatis
> as the persistance framework. Now that the application is getting very
> complex we have decided to implement Solr technology over lucene.
> Anyone having expertise in this area please give me some guidelines on where
> to start off and how to form the schema for Solr.
> Thanks and Regards
> Abin Mathew

Grant Ingersoll

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