On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 11:04 AM, Matt Mitchell <goodie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> These are single valued fields. Strings and integers. Is there more specific
> info I could post to help diagnose what might be happening?

Faceting on either should currently take ~24MB (6M docs @ 4 bytes per
doc + size_of_unique_values)
With that small number of values, facet.enum may be faster in general
(and take up less room: 6M/8*20 or 15MB).
But you certainly shouldn't be running out of space with the heap
sizes you mentioned.

Perhaps look at the stats.jsp page in the admin and see what's listed
in the fieldCache?
And verify that your heap is really as big as you think it is.
You can also use something like jconsole that ships with the JDK to
manually do a GC and check out how much of the heap is in use before
you try to facet.


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